Oportunidades en el mercado de turismo médico estadounidense

August 29th, 07:00 PM Central Standard Time

Conozca las oportunidades actuales en el mercado de turismo médico de EE. UU. Este seminario web brindará información sobre las oportunidades de mercado actuales para incrementar oportunidades de negocios B2C de los EE. UU., así como B2B de empleadores autofinanciados, administradores externos (TPA), aseguradoras y facilitadores.

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About the Webinar

  • Los presentadores hablarán en detalle acerca de los costos en el mercado estadounidense y las tendencias actuales que impulsarán un crecimiento significativo del turismo médico en 2023 y más allá.
  • Aprenda cómo abordar cada mercado, qué espera cada tipo de cliente y cómo abordar sus necesidades e inquietudes.
  • Conozca cómo comercializar, establecer relaciones y generar confianza en el mercado estadounidense.
  • Obtenga acceso a información importante sobre el mercado de empleadores autofinanciados y las nuevas tendencias y oportunidades emergentes en procedimientos especializados y estrategias para atraer a más clientes potenciales.
  • Aprenda cómo ser más efectivo con su marketing y desarrollo comercial, incluido cómo desarrollar mejores brochures, sitios web y comunicaciones por correo electrónico atractivos que promuevan el compromiso e impulsen negocios a largo plazo.

Además, aprenda más detalles de cómo evolucionan las expectativas de los pacientes y la importancia de la experiencia del paciente de turismo médico para generar confianza en los servicios de su organización. Este es un componente crítico para dirigirse con éxito a los principales compradores estadounidenses (organizaciones de referencia). Conozca qué capacitación necesita implementar y cuáles son las mejores prácticas y estándares que su organización debe tener cuando atiende a pacientes internacionales.

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Webinar Speakers


Jonathan Edelheit

Jonathan Edelheit is Chairman & Co-founder of the Medical Tourism Association.  A visionary in the medical travel industry, Mr. Edelheit works with leading governments, hospitals, healthcare providers, insurance companies, and referring organizations across the globe to launch successful and sustainable medical travel programs.

Mr. Edelheit has led initiatives in Abu Dhabi, South Korea, Dubai, Jordan, Costa Rica, Colombia, Florida, Las Vegas, Miami and numerous destinations around the world.  He was a key player in rebuilding South Korea’s medical tourism program, driving it to becoming one of the top destinations in the world, receiving more than 400,000 medical tourists yearly. He is the editor of the Medical Tourism Magazine, and organizes the largest event in the industry, the World Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare Congress.

Mr. Edelheit is driven by a passion to make healthcare more transparent, affordable and accessible and to make knowledge and resources about the industry easily accessible.  He is committed to breaking down all the barriers that stand in the way of the industry achieving its true potential. Mr. Edelheit has built the largest network of industry stakeholders from across the globe reaching hundreds of thousands of professionals. He is not only the largest influencer on LinkedIn in Medical Travel, but also one of the largest influencers on LinkedIn in travel, tourism and employer healthcare and insurance.  With more than 500,000 members in his LinkedIn Groups, Mr. Edelheit continues to advocate and grow awareness for medical travel and help support those professionals who have made medical tourism their career. Mr. Edelheit has personally made several strategic investments in the industry and is an adviser to multiple organizations.  

Global Healthcare Accreditation
Director of Operations and Business Development

Bill Cook

Bill Cook is Director of Business Development & Operations for Global Healthcare Accreditation (GHA) and Surveyor. Since 2006, Bill has been deeply involved in medical tourism in a number of different capacities: as a provider of medical services, a facilitator and later consultant, educator and speaker focused on the topic of international patient services.

Prior to joining GHA,Bill was co-founder and vice president of Medical Tours Costa Rica, a pioneering organization that played a key role in positioning Costa Rica as a leading medical tourism destination. Between 2006 and 2013, Bill and his team managed offshore medical care for over 3,000 patients treated at Costa Rica’s three JCI accredited facilities. During this time (December 2006 to October2011), Bill and his brother Brad Cook developed and managed Hospital Clinica Biblica’s international patient department, helping to position the facility as-one of the region’s premier international hospitals.

In 2012, Bill worked with Renee-Marie Stephano, president of the Medical Tourism Association, to help develop the first version of the International Patient Services Training and Certification program (IPSC). In 2014, Bill joined the Medical Tourism Association as the Director of Business Development for the Asia-Pacific region particularly focusing on initiatives in China. Bill has also worked as a consultant in medical tourism for several Latina American governments and has spoken or presented workshops in a number of countries including Brazil, China,Colombia, Costa Rica, Jordan, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the United States.

Bill is an author and a regular contributor to the “Medical Tourism Magazine (MTM), published by the U.S. based Medical Tourism Association. Bill has coauthored several books, guides and written many articles related to medical tourism and the international patient experience.

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